Let's Annotate in Python with RESTful API

REST API & Cloud SDK for Python to build online document & image annotation tools with support for text & image annotation options. Let’s annotate!

  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for cURL
  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for .NET
  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Java
  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for PHP
  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Ruby
  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Node.js

GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Python RESTful APIs is all you need to build document annotator tools in Python. Your application will be able to add annotations, watermark overlays, text replacements, redactions, sticky notes and text markups to the business documents of all popular formats such as, PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, images other formats. Rapidly develop Annotation applications in Python using our SDK that works as a wrapper around Python APIs and makes the solution cross-platform compatible. Support for 3rd party cloud storage providers, e.g., Amazon S3, Windows Azure, Dropbox and others is also provided.‎

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to create my own Python application to annotate documents?

Check out GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Python at GitHub if you are looking for the source code to annotate file in the Cloud.

Can I try GroupDocs.Annotation REST APIs on Python for free?

You can try GroupDocs.Annotation Low-Code Python APIs without any limitations.

I do not want to upload my confidential files anywhere for annotations? What are my options?

GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud is also available as Docker image which can be used to self-host the service. Or you may build your own services using GroupDocs.Annotation High-code APIs which currently drive our REST APIs.

Advanced Document Annotation REST API Features

Support for Multiple File Formats

Import Annotation Information from Document & Return the List of Imported Annotations

Export/Add Annotation to a Document & Retrieve the Resultant Document as Stream

Render Document Pages to Images and Retrieve Images’ Links

Retrieve Link to Previously Generated Image by Page Number of Annotated Document

Render Document to PDF, Save Resultant Document to Storage & Fetch its Link

Render Document to PDF as an Output Stream

Add Text Redaction Annotation in Slides‎

Add Annotations to Header/Footer of Microsoft Word Documents

Easy Integration

Integrating GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK into your Python applications is very easy. No installation is ‎required on the server or client side. Just create an account at GroupDocs.Cloud to get App SID & ‎key. Following example shows how easy it is to import annotation information using Python:‎‎

Add Area Annotation To Document - Python

  # Get your App SID and App Key at https://dashboard.groupdocs.cloud (free registration is required).
  # For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/groupdocs-annotation-cloud/groupdocs-annotation-cloud-python
  app_sid = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
  app_key = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"

  # Create instance of the API.
  api = groupdocs_annotation_cloud.AnnotationApi.from_keys(app_sid, app_key)
  path = "FolderName" + "MyDocument.pdf"

  a = AnnotationInfo()
  a.annotation_position = Point()
  a.annotation_position.x = 852
  a.annotation_position.y = 59
  a.box = Rectangle()
  a.box.x = 375
  a.box.y = 59
  a.box.width = 88
  a.box.height = 37
  a.type = "Area"
  a.creator_name = "Anonym A."

  request = groupdocs_annotation_cloud.PostAnnotationsRequest(path, a)
  response = api.post_annotations(request)

Support for Numerous Annotation Types

Using GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Python, you can work with diverse types of annotations. The ‎two basic types are; Text Annotations and Figure Annotations.‎ While using text-based annotation, you can add text comments to selected text; highlight which text ‎should be replaced with what, hide confidential text using text redaction, highlight text with ‎strikethroughs/underlines, and add sticky notes with rich text.‎ While working with figure annotations, you can add notes to an area highlighted with a rectangle (Area ‎Annotation), add notes to any point in the document (Point Annotation), hide confidential parts of an ‎image or text (Area Redaction), draw freehand lines and shapes (Polyline), arrows pointing to an ‎object (Pointer/Arrow), create text-based watermark overlays (Watermark), and measure the ‎distance between any objects in a document (Distance Annotation).‎

Easy Customization

GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Python is 100% tested and out of the box running. The SDK is open ‎source and has an MIT license. You can use it, and even customize it for absolutely free of charge.‎

Interactive API Explorer

Using our Swagger based API explorer; you can try out GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Python ‎right away in your browser. This interactive API explorer gives you information about all the resources ‎that the API offers. You can also try your desired operation by interactively providing required ‎parameters.‎

GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud Product Family also includes SDKs for other popular languages as listed below:
