Document Metadata Management using cURL

Manipulate metadata properties from PDF, Word, Excel, Presentations, multimedia, images and metafiles using Cloud REST API.‎

  • GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET
  • GroupDocs.Metadata for Java
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GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud for cURL allows metadata properties management and manipulation across all common business document formats. It communicates with GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud REST API to handle HTTP requests and responses for you to add, edit, search and remove metadata properties from PDF, Word, Excel, audio, video, Visio, metafiles, images and many other file formats.

Advanced Document Metadata REST API Features

Secured REST oriented Metadata Management API

Supporting more than 60 popular file formats

Ability to View/Add Metadata

Retrieve & Remove Metadata from Documents and Images

Perform Search & Modify Metadata Operations on Supported File Types

Flexible and Easy to Integrate with any language or platform

Extract Metadata by Property Value - cURL

//Get your App SID, App Key and Storage Name at (free registration is required).
  curl -v "" \
  -X POST \
  -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=xxxx&client_secret=xxxx" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  -H "Accept: application/json"
  // cURL example to join several documents into one
  curl -v "" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer " \
  -d "{
      "FileInfo": {
          "FilePath": "documents\\input.docx",
          "StorageName": ""
      "SearchCriteria": {
          "ValueOptions": {
              "Value": "Microsoft Office Word",
              "Type": "String"


Support and Learning Resources

GroupDocs.Metadata offers document viewing APIs for other popular development environments
