Sign Digital Documents via Python SDK

Signature RESTful Python APIs are efficient means of making digital document signing tools in Python. Supports cross-format signature types.

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GroupDocs.Signature Cloud SDK for Python is a collection of REST APIs, which helps you use Python language to create, verify and search different types of signatures in documents available on the cloud. You can work with various types of signatures such as, text-based signatures, image signatures, barcode signatures, QR-Code signatures, digital signatures, and stamp signatures. Using GroupDocs.Signature Cloud SDK for Python, you can apply signatures to portable or simple documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and images for supported file formats. This highly secure downloadable signature SDK for Python is very customizable to use.

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to create my own Python application that can parse files online?

Check our Cloud SDKs for Python at GitHub if you are looking for the source code to parse files in the Cloud.

Can I try GroupDocs.Signature REST APIs on Python for free?

You can try GroupDocs.Signature Low-Code Python APIs without any limitations.

I do not want to upload my confidential files anywhere? What are my options?

GroupDocs.Signature Cloud is also available as Docker image which can be used to self-host the service. Or you may build your own services using GroupDocs.Signature High-code APIs which currently drive both our Free Apps and REST APIs.

Advanced Document Signature REST API Features

Get list of supported document formats

Fetch List of Supported Encode Type Names for Barcode and QR-Code

Retrieve Document Information from File or Provided URL

Apply Signature to a Document using File Name or at Specified URL

Apply Background Brush & Text Alignment to Text Signatures

Verify Text and Digital Signatures for PDF, Word and Excel Documents using File or via URL

Verify Barcode and QR-Code Signatures for all Supported Document Formats using File or via URL

Search Digital Signatures in PDF Files, Spreadsheets and Word Documents in File or via URL

Search Barcode and QR-Code Signatures in all Supported Document Formats in File or via URL

Add & Verify Multiple Signatures to Document using File Name or Provided URL

Search Multiple Signatures in a Document using its File Name or Provided URL

Try it with Interactive API Explorer

Get Document Information

GroupDocs.Signature Cloud SDK for Python makes it very easy to work with eSignatures. In addition to applying digital signatures you can also manipulate document properties. Following example elaborates how to retrieve document information of a DOCX file using Python:

Get Document Information using Python

# Import module
from import ApiException
from Common_Utilities.Utils import Common_Utilities
from groupdocs_signature_cloud.models.requests.get_document_info_request import GetDocumentInfoRequest
class DocumentInfo_File:
def Get_DocumentInfo_File():
    # Getting instance of the API
    api = Common_Utilities.Get_SignatureApi_Instance();

    fileName = "one-page.docx"
    password = ""
    folder = ""

    request = GetDocumentInfoRequest(fileName, password, folder, Common_Utilities.storage_name)

    response = api.get_document_info(request)

    print("FleName: " + str(;
    print("Folder: " + str(response.folder));
  except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling SignatureApi: {0}".format(e.message))

Apply Background Brush for Text & Stamp Signatures

GroupDocs.Signature Cloud SDK for Python, allows you to apply background brush effects to your text as well as stamp signatures. At the moment, you are able to apply 4 different kinds of brushes, which include, Linear Gradient Brush, Radial Gradient Brush, Solid Brush, and Texture Brush.

Get eSignature SDK for Python Up and Running

Whether you want an easy and efficient integration or a complete customization, GroupDocs.Signature Cloud SDK for Python provides you with various options to quickly get your Python eSignature applications up and running. No need to worry about “low level” details regarding HTTP requests and response, instead our digital signature RESTful API makes you able to relax and focused on building and deploying top-quality Python applications quickly to the market.

Support and Learning Resources

GroupDocs.Signature Cloud also offers individual SDKs for other popular languages as listed below:
