Annotate Documents in Java with REST API

RESTful API to build online document & image annotation tools with support for text & image based annotation options. Let’s annotate!

  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for cURL
  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for .NET
  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for PHP
  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Python
  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Ruby
  • GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Node.js
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GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Java is a handy toolkit for developing business document annotator applications in Java. The solution allows applying annotations, sticky notes, watermark overlays, redactions, text replacements and markups to documents, presentations, emails, spreadsheets, PDF, images other file formats. Annotation SDK works as a wrapper for the Java RESTful APIs and makes application cross-platform compatible. Our Annotation API also works with all popular 3rd party cloud storage solutions.

How to Sign a document using GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Java

  • Create an instance of Configuration using available Client Id and Client Secret.
  • Create an instance of AnnotateApi using instance of Configuration.
  • Create an instance of AnnotationInfo and set options for type and position of the desired annotation.
  • Create an instance of FileInfo and set paths to input and output files.
  • Create an instance of AnnotateOptions with instances of AnnotationInfo and FileInfo.
  • Use AnnotateApi.annotate to annotate your document.

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to create my own Java application to annotate documents?

Check out GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Java at GitHub if you are looking for the source code to annotate file in the Cloud.

Can I try GroupDocs.Annotation REST APIs on Java for free?

You can try GroupDocs.Annotation Low-Code Java APIs without any limitations.

I do not want to upload my confidential files anywhere for annotations? What are my options?

GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud is also available as Docker image which can be used to self-host the service. Or you may build your own Java services using GroupDocs.Annotation High-code APIs which currently drive our REST APIs.

Advanced Document Annotation REST API Features

Add/remove graphic annotations & text markups

Retrieve document information such as metadata

Fetch annotation data for supported file formats

Import/export annotation list of the document

Render annotated document to PDF

Save resultant annotated document to storage & fetch its link

Support for multiple file formats & Cross-platform compatibility

Apply text redaction to the slide’s content

Apply annotations to Header/Footer area in Microsoft Word documents

Work with Document Annotations

GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud API provides a number of ways to deal with annotations. It not only allows retrieving annotations from documents, but also adds annotation to a document and retrieves the resultant document as stream. Following code snippet shows how you can quickly get the PDF version of any document.

Generate PDF of Document Pages - Java

  // Get your AppSID and AppKey at (free registration is required).
  Configuration configuration = new Configuration(appSID, appKey);
  AnnotateApi apiInstance = new AnnotateApi(configuration);

  // Create request object.
  GetPdfRequest request = new GetPdfRequest();
  request.setFilePath("docs"+ File.separator +"document.docx");

  // Executing api method.
  File response = apiInstance.getPdf(request);

Robust Set of Annotation Tools

GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Java REST API, allows you to make use of various types of annotations. The primary types are; graphical annotation and text-based annotations. Text-based markups can be done thorugh adding text comments to selection, text redaction is supported to hide classified text. You can also highlight text with markups such as underlines and strikethroughs. Sticky notes can be added to rich text. Graphical annotation can be applied in the form of, adding notes to area highlighted with rectangle (Area Annotation), hide classified part of text or image (Area Redaction), apply notes to a specific point within the document (Point Annotation), arrows dropped to an object (Pointer/Arrow), drawing freehand shapes and lines (Polyline), add text-based watermark overlay (Watermark), and distance measurement between any two objects in the document (Distance Annotation).

Easy Integration

To integrate GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK into your Java applications, just create an account at GroupDocs.Cloud to get App SID & App Key. No installation is required.

Easy Customization

GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud SDK for Java is open source and has an MIT license. Use it, and even customize it for no charges. Moreover, it is tested and out of the box running for a quick and reliable integration.

Interactive API Explorer

Provide desired parameters to our Swagger based interactive API explorer and try out various features of GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud API for Java in your browser. Please visit Annotation Cloud API explorer to see it in action.

Support and Learning Resources

GroupDocs.Annotation Cloud also offers individual document rendering SDKs for other popular languages as listed below:
