Python English to Indonesian Translation with GroupDocs.Translation Cloud API

GroupDocs.Translation Cloud API is a powerful tool for performing language translations in the cloud. With a comprehensive set of features and support for a wide range of languages, it offers a seamless solution for translating text content. Developers can easily integrate the API into their Python applications to translate English text to Indonesian and vice versa, with customizable options for language pair selection, text formatting, and translation quality. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses and organizations looking to expand their reach to Indonesian-speaking audiences or localize their content for the Indonesian market.

# Get your App SID, App Key and Storage Name at (free registration is required).
from groupdocstranslationcloud.configuration import Configuration
from groupdocstranslationcloud.api.translation_api import TranslationApi
from groupdocstranslationcloud.models.translate_text import TranslateText
from groupdocstranslationcloud.models.translate_document import TranslateDocument

# enter valid apiKey and appSid
configuration = Configuration(apiKey="", appSid="")
api = TranslationApi(configuration)

pair = "en-id"
text = "Python English to Indonesian Translation with GroupDocs.Translation Cloud API"
translator = TranslateText(pair, text)
response = translator.to_string()
res_text = api.post_translate_text(response)




GroupDocs.Translation Cloud provides secure authentication using OAuth 2.0 to ensure that only authorized users can access the translation services.

Text Translation

The API allows users to translate text from English to Indonesian and vice versa. It supports a wide range of languages for translation.

File Translation

Users can easily translate various file formats such as Word, PDF, PowerPoint, and Excel from English to Indonesian using the translation API.

Quality and Accuracy

GroupDocs.Translation Cloud ensures high-quality and accurate translations by leveraging advanced natural language processing algorithms and machine learning.


The API provides options for customization, allowing users to specify translation parameters, such as tone, style, and domain-specific terminology.

Python SDK

The API offers a Python SDK, enabling developers to easily integrate translation capabilities into their Python applications, simplifying the implementation process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I translate text from English to Indonesian using GroupDocs.Translation Cloud in Python?

You can use the GroupDocs.Translation Cloud Python SDK to send a request for translating text from English to Indonesian. The SDK provides methods for uploading the source text, setting the source and target languages, and retrieving the translated text.

What are the supported languages for translation with GroupDocs.Translation Cloud in Python?

GroupDocs.Translation Cloud supports translation between various languages including English and Indonesian. You can specify the source and target languages when making a translation request using the Python SDK.

Can I batch translate multiple texts from English to Indonesian using GroupDocs.Translation Cloud in Python?

Yes, you can use the GroupDocs.Translation Cloud Python SDK to batch translate multiple texts from English to Indonesian. You can create a list of texts to translate and send a single request to translate all of them at once.

How can I authenticate and authorize the translation requests with GroupDocs.Translation Cloud in Python?

You can authenticate and authorize your translation requests by using your API key and access token provided by GroupDocs.Translation Cloud. These credentials can be integrated into your Python application to ensure secure and authorized translation requests.